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The Prodigal's Father

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

We have probably all heard the story of the prodigal son, told by Jesus and recorded in Luke 15, and elsewhere. The younger son of a rich man asks for his inheritance early-- BEFORE his father is dead, and spends it all in a distant country on wine, women, and song (the usual), ending up penniless and starving. He decides to swallow his pride and come home and beg his father to take him in. No longer as a son, but as a hired field hand. Because at least then he would have a little food to eat...

But his father wasn't having it! We see the father's heart response in Luke 15:20-22, quoted from The Message Bible:

While he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: 'Father, I've sinned against God, I've sinned before you; I don't deserve to be called your son ever again.'

But the father wasn't listening..."

Why not? Because the Father was calling to all the servants to get his son clean clothes and to put on a great feast. Get this party started, because his son had come home!

"His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him."

The Father didn't want to hear his son's excuses. His explanations. His apologies. The father just wanted to hold his son, overwhelmed with the joy of the homecoming.

So maybe that's where you're at with God right now? You're in a distant country and want to come home. But maybe you're looking for clean clothes first- trying to get your act together so your arrival doesn't create such a stench. Maybe you're working on your speech-- trying to craft just the argument that will persuade the Father to give you another chance.

"I can explain!", you say, but the Father just wants to hold you in a great bear hug. There will be time for talking later. THIS is the moment for the embrace. For the re-connection. For the acceptance. For confirmation of the Relationship.

Is this you? Just come home then. Receive the Father's embrace.

And let the tears flow.

Loving Arms holding someone
A Loving Embrace

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