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Questions for Joseph

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Updated: Sep 26, 2023

At Christmas time, we talk and sing a lot about Mary, but do we ever give much thought to Joseph?

God gave Joseph a Mission, and it was a real doozy. It was to love and marry a woman who was already pregnant, and to be a daddy to her kid. That was it. To be husband and father, and to protect his little family from all dangers.

But I'll bet it was tough. This beautiful girl he is engaged to, whom he can't wait to marry-- turns up pregnant with some ridiculous story. And while he is crying out to God, "WHY ME?!?!?", God actually ANSWERS his prayer by sending an angel to tell him to not be afraid to marry her. And so he does. My guess is he did it the very next day. But people talk. Isn't that the #1 rule in religious circles-- DON'T GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND PREGNANT? Yet here she is, big belly, rushed wedding, Uh-huh. I'll bet there were broken friendships, relatives who wouldn't speak to them, and a whole lot of tears. I wonder, did ANYONE help the young couple, or were they on their own? I have so many questions! I wrote this song Christmas Day, titled Questions For Joseph.

Joseph, did you know how hard it was gonna be? Did you love her, in spite of it all? Did you cry so much you couldn't see? Was her father mad? Did he make a big scene? Did you protest your Innocence? Did he find that hard to believe?

Sometimes God asks hard things. He puts us there in the midst of the fire. Somehow, obedience can be costly. Through our tears, we cling to God.

Were the townspeople cruel? Did you just walk away? Did you tell them you heard from God? Just what did they say? Did she have a hard pregnancy? Did you get your own place? Did you wonder why God chose you For this task, and filled you with his grace?

Sometimes God asks hard things. He puts us there in the midst of the fire. Somehow, obedience can be costly. Through our tears, we cling to God. Through our tears, we cling to God.

Go Joseph! Love that woman-- love her son, This baby boy, the promised one-- Placed in your hands. Go Joseph! Be his Daddy-- be her man. Guard them and fulfill God's plan-- Your mission in life.

Sometimes God asks us hard things. He puts us there in the midst of the fire. Somehow, obedience can be costly. Through our tears, we cling to God.

So maybe God has asked you a hard thing. Or maybe you MADE things hard for yourself. (It happens!) If this is you, I am here to tell you that God is ABLE to get you through this difficulty. 1 Corinthians 10:13 in The Message tells us:

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.

So if this is you and you're struggling and need a friend -- Reach out. Sometimes God asks hard things. But he doesn't, as a general rule, ask you to go it alone. So reach out. Find someone.

Reach out.

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