There is a (Chinese?) curse that says "May you live in interesting times." My inner response is, "NO NO NO! Boring is good! Boring is NICE!..." Well, my times are getting a little more interesting.
A few weeks ago, I noticed a strange lump on my left armpit. It was growing, and then a lump developed in my right armpit. We had an ultrasound and a blood test, and the doctors noted inflamed lymph nodes in my groin and neck as well, and an elevated white blood cell count, indicating my body is fighting something. I have also started having night sweats and severe acid reflux. All of these put together suggest Lymphoma, so yesterday I had a biopsy from the lump in my left armpit. Lab results will take 3-5 days, but the doctor said it was probably lymphoma. Encouragingly, he said that "if you HAVE to have something, this is the one to have, because it is very treatable."
The procedure itself wasn't bad. No worse than a bad day at the dentist. But I got a serious migraine headache on the way home, and became instantly nauseous with the first bite of chicken for lunch. (You ladies out there-- is this what the first trimester of pregnancy is like?) I had a good cry, went to bed, and then projectile vomited all over the bathroom. I got the wall, the floor, the toilet seat... Absolutely lovely. But then I felt better and took a nap. I am on light duty today while my armpit heals, and then it is back to work.
But were is God in all this, you ask?
Before I went into the hospital with Covid, God warned me a big trial was coming, and when. I was grateful. I believe this is another one of those times, when He is warning me to get me ready.
Earlier this week, he showed me a couple of things while I was thinking and praying about my situation. First, I saw a AA battery, lying on its side, with top missing and what looked like scorch marks from the inside. It reminded me of a tank that had been hit by a missile and blown it's turret. I interpreted that vision as that I will feel "burnt out."
Then, God showed me a huge mason jar of "Survival Soup." Many Preppers often make up soup in advance, with all the dry ingredients pre-mixed. All you do is add water. As I watched, a big spoon dipped into the mason jar, and than dished the contents into a cast iron skillet where food was cooking. The skillet was full of food, and it looked GOOD. But I also noticed that even though the skillet was full of food cooking, the mason jar was hardly depleted.
What I think God was telling me was that He was going to provide for me. There would be More Than Enough. Yes, I was going to feel burned out. But he had Ample Stores, and would supply what I needed. He is more than enough. And I don't need to worry.
Game plan: I am resting today, and will go back to work tomorrow. I plan to continue going to the gym regularly. My arm is a little sore, but I feel good otherwise. I need to make hay while the sun shines, and the farmers say. Prayer is appreciated! For wisdom, for strength, for courage, for HEALING, and for my family. I will keep you posted.
But God is More Than Enough, and I am at peace.
