Often this past year, I have felt "old." And sometimes I would wonder if life had passed me by. If perhaps I had missed God's will, and this life I am currently living was all there was for me. If I am "too old" at age 52 to start over, as my post covid physical condition may necessitate. But this morning I noticed something interesting. I was reading about the call of Abram, in Genesis 12:
GOD told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land I will show you..."
So Abram left just as GOD said, and Lot was with him. Abram was seventy-five years old...
God totally changed the course of his life at that moment. At age 75.
So, it's not too late for me. And it's not too late for you. At age 80, God spoke to Moses for the very first time. It was at the burning bush, and described in Exodus 4.
So GOD said, "What's that in your hand?"
"A staff."
"Throw it to the ground."
He threw it. It became a snake; Moses jumped back- fast! GOD said to Moses, "Reach out. and grab it by the tail."
[Me as Moses, in my best British accent, "RIGHT!!!"]
Moses reached out and grabbed it-- and he was holding his staff again.
Friends, I hate snakes. No, I LOATHE them. But sometimes God asks us to do things we find absolutely frightening. To take the snake by the tail.
I have been fearful most of my life. This is something God has been dealing with me about lately. "BE NOT AFRAID!" So friends, let me encourage you. If you feel that God wants you to do something, then step out. Risk it. No matter your season of life. Reach out and grab it by the tail.
