As I write this, I am sitting at the ER next to my wife of 25 years. She has had a fever and nausea for 11 days now, and tested negative for Covid and the Flu. They are running multiple tests now, but we have no answers.
That's the hardest part, isn't it? The unknown. Sometimes we get answers immediately, sometimes not. (Sometimes never.) The mind jumps to the worst case scenarios, and plays them over and over-- like a prison scene in a movie where the interrogator plays the same propaganda film on perpetual repeat in an attempt to break the prisoner down. (Rumor has it the CIA plays music from the Bee Gees.)
We want to know what's wrong, because we think that will enable us to FIX it. But some problems can't be fixed. My buddy Jim Goldsmith found out his cancer is terminal, so he threw himself a going away party and invited all his friends. I love that!
Years ago, I had a problem. In response to my prayers, God showed me my old camera lens that was broken. It was one of these fancy computerized lenses, and it had stopped focusing. I attempted to disassemble it in hopes of fixing it. Instead, I only made it worse. The meaning of the vision was clear. God was telling me "you can't fix this." It was time to move on.
Back in the present, we are waiting for answers. Last night, I was driving back from Charleston, and my family was on my mind. I was praying out loud to God for my wife and children regarding my wife's unknown illness. "Please, God, keep them from being afraid!" The words were hardly out of my mouth when I saw a sign in front of a nearby church. It read:
MARK 5:36
In this passage, the synagogue leader's little girl is sick. He is imploring Jesus to come and heal her when his friends interrupt the conversation:
"Your daughter is dead." They said. "Why bother the teacher anymore?"
Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler,
"Don't be afraid, just believe."
Last night I needed a sign, and God gave me one. Right on the side of the road! Isaiah 65:24 tells us:
Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.
God did that for me last night, and then emphasized the point this morning. I was mentally planning this trip to the ER, and thinking about what I had to take care of first. and what I needed to bring with us. Then God spoke to my heart quite clearly, and said,
"Be Not Afraid."
God was quoting John 6:20 to me. The scene was the small boat in the storm, and Jesus came out, walking on the water. The disciples in the boat were terrified. Jesus shouted to them through the horrible storm,
"It is I. Be not afraid!"
Maybe you are in your own private storm right now. Maybe it is a medical storm like ours, maybe financial, or maybe something else entirely. Quiet your heart and listen to the voice of the Father:
Be Not Afraid.
Praying for you both today